KOP (Klein Ontwerp Probleem) Holy Q
The goal of this project was to create a BBQ suitable for use on a balcony. This is the first project of this study, it is mostly created to learn about design methods and production techniques. Students are introduced into the workshop where they learn to cut, bend and weld. When the project is completed and all presentions are given there is a test, outdoors the barbeques will be tested. This is a nice way to see faults in the design but also enjoy some social contact with other students while consuming some food from your own barbeque.
Are you also annoyed by the fact that you can’t properly use a barbeque on your balcony? The balcony is too small or the barbeque too big and there may be no park nearby. We get you! We have found a solution to this problem. The Holy Q, it’s a mulitifuctional bbq with only a small size, it won’t take up more space then an avarage planter. You can attach it to the railing of your balcony. It creates a nice atmosphere with the added decorative flame. The Holy Q offers you a godly BBQ from your own balcony.