Stimulating creativity @ Demcon

Image of a blue brain in sideprofile made up of triangle shapes with the text "Creativity Toolkit" with a logo of demcon and the university of twente

This assignment is a research and design project on stimulating creativity at Demcon. Literature research was executed on creativity, it’s background and various forms and ways to stimulate it. Interviews were held to sketch the current situation at Demcon. From all of this a virtual toolkit was designed with a physical element in the form of a creativity box. 


The virtual toolkit includes a wizard that you can follow to find the creativity technique for your situation. It then walks you through the technique and gives general tips and tricks. It also includes a section on creative facilitation. The toolkit was evaluated by employees by participatory design and evaluated in practice during a creativity session at Demcon. After each evaluation changes were made to better fit Demcon and improve creativity.

foto van een tafel met een plastic bovenkant van een knop en verschillende elektronica ligt verspreid over de tafel